Persulfates are key components in many industrial processes and commercial products. And we’re leading the persulfate market with improved products and reliable supply. Persulfates are the most chemically active of the peroxygens, with great utility in a variety of chemical processes. Our persulfates, backed by years of experience, are manufactured to strict specifications for thermal stability, making them among the most stable available. VR Persulfates manufactures ammonium, potassium, and sodium persulfates at a plant in Ahmedabad, India.


A reliable supply of
high-quality and stable

Persulfates are strong oxidants, have excellent shelf life when stored properly, and are economical to use. These properties make persulfates suitable for a variety of applications. We’re committed to manufacturing, transporting, storing, and using chemicals in a safe manner. The commitment begins with the manufacturing process and continues throughout the life cycle of our products. Our continuing effort is to ensure that safety, health, and environmental issues are addressed wherever persulfates are handled or used.


Improved quality and the stability

We have established new specifications for thermal stability which make persulfates among the most stable available. An understanding of the crystalline structure of persulfates and the interplay with heat and moisture have changed quality control procedures, manufacturing processes, and storage requirements for these products.


In Cosmetics industry, both Ammonium Persulfate and Potassium Persulfate are used extensively as boosters for hair bleaches and for oxidization of hair dyes . They are also used as key components for bleaching formulations.


Persulfates are very widely used as initiators for Emulsion Polymerization of Acrylic Monomers and Emulsion Co-Polymerization of Styrene, acrylonitrile, butadiene SBR, ABS.

Metal Treatment

Ammonium Persulfate and Sodium Persulfate are used for the treatment of metal surfaces, to etch copper on printed circuit boards, manufacturing of semiconductors, and activation of copper and aluminium surfaces. They are also etchants for nickel, titanium, and zink alloys. Persulfates are used to clean and activate carbon and charcoal before and after their use as absorbents.

Textiles and Paper

In Textile industry Persulfates can be used for denim desizing, bleach activators and the development of dyestuffs. They can also be used for cold bleaching. In Paper Industry Persulfates can be used for re-pulping and de-inking. Persulfates are also used in the sizing of paper, preparation of binders and coatings, and production of special papers.

Water Treatment &
and Disinfectants

Ammonium Persulfate is extensively used in waste water treatment and oxidative degradation of harmful substances. Persulfate is also used for production of disinfectants.

Other Applications

Persulfates are used in photography industry, bleaching baths for colour stock modification of starch and chemical synthesis.


Don’t take our word for it

  • The UI_VR's expert Professionals were quick, courteous and very helpful. They helped me find the right solution for my current requirement and completely ensured quality and timely delivery of the product. I was worried it wouldn’t be done in time for my project, but they finished the job with time to spare. Absolutely happy to work with them!
    Rosie P. McDowell
    Lorem Ipsum Corporation
  • We are a mid-sized product solutions company with 100+ team and clients worldwide. We were facing a significant challenge with our quality ingredients. This was having a negative effect on our business by our clients not achieving their standards. When we discovered UI-VR, they were immediately ready to offer help. We saw significant improvements right away and, after that our clients have seen measurable benefits.
    Jürgen Holtzmann
    Lorem Ipsum Corporation
  • UI_VR services has been outstanding. They are accommodating to our needs and budget, while also doing a great job. Right away, having a quality product delivered was a load off our minds. We’ve been a customer for years and our productivity is better, our stress is lower, and our clients are happier ever since we started working with UI_VR.
    Jeanette H. Zayas
    Lorem Ipsum Corporation


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