
The Active Ingredient of PMPS is potassium Peroxymonosulfate which is present as a component of triple salt including potassium monopersulfate, potassium Sulfate and potassium bisulfide It is a white, odourless, crystalline, free-flowing solid powder. It decomposes when temperature exceeds 60 degree . It is highly soluble in water andslightly corrosive . It provides powerful non-chlorine oxidation and microbiological effectiveness for a wide variety of industrial and consumer uses. It has the particular advantage of being highly stable in storage, easy and safe to handle.

For detailed specs and MSDS requirement please email us at [email protected]


Molecular Formula: K2SO4.KHSO4.2KHSO5
Structural Formula:

Active Oxygen, %

Min. 4.5

Active Component (KHSO5), %

Min. 42.8


White Crystalline , Odour less Powder

Bulk Density, g/L


Particle Size Distribution, %

Through 20 mesh 100 / Through 300 mesh Max 5% Passing

PH, at 25°C

1% solution 2.2~2.4 / 3% solution 1.9~2.2

Solubility, g/l (20°C water)


Moisture, %

Max. 0.2%


White granular solid, free-flowing or 20/200g tablet

Decomposition Temperature

Above at above 60 °C

Storage Temperature

Room Temperature

Shelf Life

12 Months


25 kg HDPE bags With Liner





Speciality Polymers

Safety Information


Flammable gases, category 1
Flammable aerosols, categories 1,2
Flammable liquids, categories 1,2,3
Flammable solids, categories 1,2

Exclamation Mark

Acute toxicity, category 4
Skin irritation, category 2
Eye irritation, category 2
Skin sensitisation, category 1

Health Hazard

Respiratory sensitization, category 1
Germ cell mutagenicity, categories 1A,1B,2
Carcinogenicity, categories 1A,1B,2
Reproductive toxicity, categories 1A,1B,2

Detailed Safety and Handling Information can be found in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).


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  • The UI_VR's expert Professionals were quick, courteous and very helpful. They helped me find the right solution for my current requirement and completely ensured quality and timely delivery of the product. I was worried it wouldn’t be done in time for my project, but they finished the job with time to spare. Absolutely happy to work with them!
    Rosie P. McDowell
    Lorem Ipsum Corporation
  • We are a mid-sized product solutions company with 100+ team and clients worldwide. We were facing a significant challenge with our quality ingredients. This was having a negative effect on our business by our clients not achieving their standards. When we discovered UI-VR, they were immediately ready to offer help. We saw significant improvements right away and, after that our clients have seen measurable benefits.
    Jürgen Holtzmann
    Lorem Ipsum Corporation
  • UI_VR services has been outstanding. They are accommodating to our needs and budget, while also doing a great job. Right away, having a quality product delivered was a load off our minds. We’ve been a customer for years and our productivity is better, our stress is lower, and our clients are happier ever since we started working with UI_VR.
    Jeanette H. Zayas
    Lorem Ipsum Corporation